The Dream League is a professional soccer league that operates in the United States. It is based on the rule book of Major League Soccer. The game is played with the use of soccer balls with an inflated artificial latex covering, no better than the plastic balls used in organized football games, and also no different from that of a basketball game. This makes it quite easy for the players to adjust their skills to adapt the games. Each team is made up of eleven players each, with a fullback and goalkeeper on each team. Every team has an affiliation with a certain country.
There is also a free download available for the software, which can be used to create rosters and all the other necessary aspects of the soccer game. The software comes with complete instructions, to make the new users of the software to understand all the aspects of the game. Once the software is downloaded, the user can take part in the tournaments in Europe or Asia. With this application, it is not necessary to pay for any license in order to play the games. However, the registration fee of a certain country is usually required for free download of the software. However, it does not seem to be mandatory for non-free software. So, the free download is a convenient way to enjoy the game of soccer at a lower price.
The game is created using the Android operating system. The free software is compatible with any Android phone or tablet. Therefore, the download will be approved even if the users of the device are not authorized to install applications. The software is also compatible with the iPhone as well.